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While playing Spirited Heart you'll often see the "Character Sheet". It shows an overview of your character attributes, skills and other informations. Let's see which they are in detail:
General Info
Health and Morale greatly influence if your character can do a specific job: health is very important for jobs that require some physical effort, like working in a farm or in the forge, while morale is how you feel, your motivation. If it drops too low, you won't be able to do mentally-related task like studying, praying or any art. Go on holidays or relax to regain health and morale.
The third general value is wealth: it measures how much money you have available. You need money to survive, to buy food and pay the rent, but it can also be used to buy new things, pay for school courses, and can sometimes be helpful for certain special events.
There are eight attributes. Attributes are the basic traits of your character, and are required for the basic jobs. They can be improved by doing those basic jobs or through training in exchange of a fee.
Strength: This skill determines the performances in jobs that require big physical efforts.
Concentration: is fundamental to success in intellectual activities like studying, and is also an essential requirement for a good spellcaster.
Charisma: is the ability to grab the attention; it is what makes you attractive to other people, especially those of opposite gender. A primary requisite for certain type of jobs.
Stamina: measures your endurance and governs hit point statistics. Also required in certain heavy jobs.
Dexterity: reflects your ability to move quickly and gracefully; very useful in lots of tasks and together with concentration is a primary requisite for casters.
Wisdom: This skill measures how wise you are. Particularly useful for certain "spiritual" jobs, it has no importance for being a caster.
Creativity: is a fundamental skill for any artistic job. It is also useful in cooking, tailoring and more. Creativity also reflects how interesting your character appears to others. Nobody wants to hang with a boring person.
Social: measures how good you are in building friendly relationships with other people, and in conversation in general. Differs from charisma because doesn't help you seduce other people, only make more friends.
There are 12 different skills. To increase a skill, you must take an Advanced Job, which usually requires certain minimum values of 2 of the Attributes. Of course you can always increase a skill with paid training.
Combat Skill: is the melee fighting skill, based mostly on strength and stamina attributes. Useful in some jobs and when the situation gets 'too hot'.
Decorum reflects how good your character is at behaving appropriately in certain high-society environments. A mixture of cleverness, politeness, conversation and sense of humour.
Mercantile reflects your skill in trading, haggling and getting better deals and prices on item for sale. An essential skill for every merchant.
Cooking is how good you are in preparing uncommon, exquisite meals. Very useful if you work in a restaurant.
Craftsmanship measures your skill in crafting items that may be either functional or strictly decorative, including furniture, clothing, jewelry, household items, and tools.
Seduction is the ability to seduce people using your charisma to have them fall in love with you.
Faith denotes how devoted your character is to the gods of Aravorn. It also measures your moral integrity.
Magic Skill is the art of casting spells, and it's based mostly on concentration and dexterity attributes.
Art skills are related to the production of artworks such as paintings, sculptures or poems.
Research is how good you are in discovering new things, studying existing ones and giving birth to new great inventions.
Gardening lets you take care of plants and flowers to create beautiful and colorful gardens.
Reputation reflects your standing in society. A high reputation makes you famous and can open you the doors of high society.