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If you have trouble with our visual novels please click on any line below to see a solution to the problem.

Technical Support

Problem: The images in the game seems corrupted, or I see graphic artifacts.
Problem: I bought an expansion/DLC/add-on but doesn't work.
Problem: Game crashes during gameplay WITH an error message.
Problem: Game crashes during gameplay WITHOUT error message.
Problem: the game crashes immediately as I try to run/install it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: I love your games but can't afford to buy them at fullprice. What can I do?
Question: is ordering from your site safe? Can I order without Credit Card?
Question: What does GxB, BxG, GxG and BxB means?
Question: when game XYZ will be out?
Question: some games have different male/female/homosexual romance versions. Do I need to buy all?
Problem still not solved? Got any other questions?

or open your mail program and send an email to email address
If you have a problem with any of our games, when sending the message try to write also your system configuration (CPU, Ram, graphic card) and any error message you're getting, so we can give you a faster reply. Thanks !